The Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation presents the exhibition ‘Morandi. Infinite Resonance’. This exhibition, takes a retrospective look at the work of the Italian painter throug a huge selection of paints, draws, watercolors and engravings from various museums and private collections in Europe.
Giorgio Morandi (Bologna, 1890-1964) is one of the artists more significant and unclassifiable in the artistic panorama of the first half of the 20th century. He can be considered a timeless artist, whose work stands out for its great quality and high degree of refinement, with a totally personal language. Although he cannot be framed in any of the great movements of contemporary art, his work tries to capture reality as faithfully as possible through light, color and volumetric values, in a constant search for the essence of painting.
The exhibition can be visited from February 4th until May 22th at La Pedrera and recreates a very intimate space, where the visitor get to know Morandi's studio. The artist is known as the painter of the bottles, but in this exhibition we will discover that he is much more than that.